Less Waste

The eSpring™ “green” approach incorporates a modular design that uses significantly less raw materials while allowing the unit to operate more efficiently. Modular components also facilitate maintenance. eSpring design reduces the amount of parts that need to be replaced in the unit and the possibility of service issues. The system incorporates a new power technology that uses wireless connections – reducing corrosion and potential service issues. The eSpring system is not only greener; it’s simpler to manufacture, less expensive to operate, more reliable, and longer lasting.

Bottled Water and eSpring

Waste generated by plastic bottles is a huge environmental problem. According to Amway’s LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), an eSpring™ System—over its life cycle—uses 99% less plastic than typical bottled water when calculated for an equivalent volume of water used in a year’s time. Clean water delivered in an environmentally responsible manner is an issue of increasing concern worldwide. The eSpring System addresses this concern.