
Contaminants come in many different forms. As described above, they can range from naturally-occurring microorganisms and minerals, to industrial and agricultural pollutants, and even to chemicals that have been inadvertently introduced by the very processes used by cities and towns to treat drinking public drinking water. Contamination can affect the taste, odor, and purity of water.

Inorganic Contaminants

The eSpring™ Water System effectively removes lead, mercury, and asbestos. Even at low levels, lead poisoning may cause IQ deficiencies, reading and learning disabilities, impaired hearing, reduced attention spans, hyperactivity, and other behavior problems. Lead can exist in different forms in water, depending on the pH or acidity of the water. The eSpring Water System was tested at two different pHs to accurately determine that it is effective at reducing lead.

Mercury gets into water from erosion of natural mineral deposits, discharge from refineries and factories, and runoff from landfills and farms. Asbestos sources include decay of asbestos cement in water mains; runoff from glass and electronics plant wastes; wear/breakdown of asbestoscontaining materials; erosion of natural. eSpring system effectively reduces both mercury and asbestos.

Organic Contaminants

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are a group of organic chemicals that may leach into ground water or be discharged into lakes and streams in wastewater coming from chemical, plastic, petroleum plants, landfills, dry cleaners, or gasoline storage tanks.

Vinyl Chloride

Vinyl chloride is a gas used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a plastic material often used for drinking water pipes. Prior to the mid-1970s, PVC pipe often contained high levels of residual vinyl chloride, which could contaminate drinking water.

While the methods of manufacturing PVC pipes have changed to significantly reduce any residual vinyl chloride, many older PVC pipes are still in use, and vinyl chloride contamination of drinking water still occurs.

Effectiveness of Contaminants Removal

Please refer toNSF Performance Data Sheet to learn more about the effectiveness of eSpring™ eliminating different contaminants.